Friday, June 19, 2009

Battle Royale 2009

It’s happening now at:

The first round’s results are in after 32 graphic designers with MAD skills, er, skillz, tossed each other around like rag dolls in this annual head-to-head elimination tournament.’s Steel Cage battles are one of my favorite spectator sports – but once a year, they put their money where their mouth is, and there’s a huge prize for the taking. The banter, kudos, and WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? comments in the forum adds to the fun when I have time to follow along.

Look for exquisitely extracted hair, perfectly re-created lighting from a hodge podge of images (and original lighting angles!), and ingenious graphic storylines in the various ‘blows’ as they call them. Last year’s title winner, nbodine, was side-lined this year, but the crowd still has their favs.

The results from the qualifying submissions (117 of them) left 32 designers on the starting lineup. The first round eliminated half of these. As of today, there are 16 competitors left. They have only a couple days to graphically respond to each other in two creations, and then it will be back to the judges.

Who will be left for the 8 spots in the quarter finals?

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